This week I saw a mother post a picture with her youngest daughter who was about to graduate high school. I have often envisioned who I want to be and what I want to do when my kids are older and I am a bit more free… but her post made me think more about what my kids might be like when they are leaving my care and what my hopes for them might be.
I don’t actually have huge dreams for them in the way of tangibles, but more in positioning and posture. I prayed for them this morning and have the hope of seeing them journey out with eyes upward and a quiet trust and confidence. I want them to live from a place of rest in Him… from depth of knowing His love, His voice, His provision. From this place there is certain immunity to the noise of the world and the voice of the enemy. You can perceive the way and walk in it without fear or insecurity or pride or shame.
I don’t know all the steps from here to there. I think it has to do with making margin and space to just be together. For me to make the choice daily of living with a quiet trust myself. Standing in as a shield and strength and voice of truth until He comes and takes my place. Praying the Lord would love them through me and continually fill them up to overflowing.
My little ones… I release everything to you that is given to me. When I look up, I can see to the ends of the Earth. But today I am reminded of the treasure of tending my own little garden.